Monday, August 10, 2015


ECCLESAISTES WORD OUTREACH(TEACHER): Sex is Sweet but.......: Have you ever  wondered why God carefully  positioned a membrane of blood in a lady’s sexual opening? It is a tiny membrane that  partiall...


ECCLESAISTES WORD OUTREACH(TEACHER): Sex is Sweet but.......: Have you ever  wondered why God carefully  positioned a membrane of blood in a lady’s sexual opening? It is a tiny membrane that  partiall...


ECCLESAISTES WORD OUTREACH(TEACHER): Sex is Sweet but.......: Have you ever  wondered why God carefully  positioned a membrane of blood in a lady’s sexual opening? It is a tiny membrane that  partiall...

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Sex is Sweet but.......

Have you ever wondered why God carefully positioned a membrane of blood in a lady’s
sexual opening? It is a tiny membrane that partially or completely covers the opening of the vagina. It is called the  “HYMEN”.

Why would God-Our Maker put a breakable tissue full of blood at the very door of the sexual opening of the female?
Why is it so carefully placed at that entrance, like a ribbon tied at the entrance of a new house about to be launched?
Why is it filled with blood that spills away when it is broken? Why? Without doubt, the HYMEN IS A GATE!
It was God (our creator) who set that blood- filled vessel there as a covenant blockage, a sign and a token of a covenant between the bearer and whoever plunges into her opening.

Before God, the dis-virginity of a lady is not a casual act of fun. It is a serious covenant struck and confirmed by the blood shed on that day. This is God’s way of saying, “Whoever plunges into this woman shall only be able to do so
by making a blood covenant to be joined to her for the rest of his life, from that point onward.

Little wonder why sexual intercourse was designed by God to take place only and only after the marriage contract is  sealed.

The one who made the body (the hormones, organs, nerves, tissues, e.t.c)God said it in clear terms, the body is not for fornication”. Anyone who chooses to use the body for fornication must know that he/ she is working directly against God’s plan and there would definitely be a consequence either now or at old age!There is a spiritual bonding, a supernatural
process that takes place in a lady’s heart to the first guy that enters in to her especially at that particular time when the hymen breaks. There is no covenant without blood: this is why the membrane contains enough of it.

As a matter of fact, what happens the first time a lady has sex is not just sex but an immersion and a bathing of the man with her hymen blood to initiate a covenant that is highly recognized in the spirit realm of both light and darkness!
The first time this happens just marks her opening day covenant ceremony and each subsequent experience goes on to further refresh or strengthen that covenant or establish another version of it with another person.
Many have washed useless boys with that hymen-blood. Many have struck irreversible covenants with men that have nothing to do with their
destiny. Many have shared that hymen blood in sexual activity with demon-possessed men while some others have struck such precious covenants with candle sticks as they exercised sex with it.

If only they knew,many girls who carelessly allowed themselves to be disvirgined in a bid to be among the so called “big girls” would never have done so.

The let me says it in clear terms: “Or do you not know that he who is joined to a harlot (through sexual activity) is one with her ?

 This is why many girls are not yet married yet their spiritual composition is already shattered and imbalanced, because they have mingled their souls with that of different men.

Dear Singles,know today that there is a definite proportion of your virtue that leaves you each time a man enters into you and when that man leaves you, he leaves with it. Just imagine how much of yourself would be lost each time a man enters into you without any properly signed marriage bond or contract. Sex is a spiritual affair. A giving of yourself to another. 

All of these things have strong and terrible spiritual implications. A broken hymen opens you up to the spirit of
the man that broke it, any other spirit whatsoever that may have mingled with that man’s spirit, those who have mingled theirs with him and the spirit of any other man that enters into you thereafter. The fun part is that pre-marital sex is not funny at all. 

What happens between the lines could be deadly and dangerous. The very first day a lady, or a man does that there will be spiritual transfer of destiny. The sin of fornication gives demons and occultist  direct access into your God's given destiny.
 And it drives the away your guardian angel will no longer be with you,So guys,zip up! Girls wise up!! It doesn't matter but yet it matters a lot.

BIG THINGS COMES FROM LITTLE THINGS WE DO!!! I know a soul has been touched today, remain blessed! Share to all ur friends and to many groups and save many souls. Peace b with
you all.



Emmanuel Effiong Ekikoh

Saturday, May 16, 2015


INTERESTING Why did Jesus fold the linen burial cloth after His resurrection? I never noticed this.... The Gospel of John (20:7) tells us that the napkin, which was placed over the face of Jesus, was not just thrown aside like the grave clothes. The Bible takes an entire verse to tell us that the napkin was neatly folded, and was placed separate from the grave clothes. 

Early Sunday morning, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene came to the tomb and found that the stone had been rolled away from the entrance. She ran and found Simon Peter and the other disciple, the one whom Jesus loved. She said, 'They have taken the Lord's body out of the tomb, and I don't know where they have put him!' Peter and the other disciple ran to the tomb to see.. The other disciple outran Peter and got there first. He stooped and looked in and saw the linen cloth lying there, but he didn't go in. Then Simon Peter arrived and went inside. 

He also noticed the linen wrappings lying there, while the cloth that had covered Jesus' head was folded up and lying to the side. Was that important? Absolutely! Is it really significant? Yes! In order to understand the significance of the folded napkin, you have to understand a little bit about Hebrew tradition of that day. The folded napkin had to do with the Master and Servant, and every Jewish boy knew this tradition. 

When the servant set the dinner table for the master, he made sure that it was exactly the way the master wanted it.. The table was furnished perfectly, and then the servant would wait, just out of sight, until the master had finished eating, and the servant would not dare touch that table, until the master was finished. Now, if the master were done eating, he would rise from the table, wipe his fingers, his mouth, and clean his beard, and would wad up that napkin and toss it onto the table. The servant would then know to clear the table. 
For in those days, the wadded napkin meant, 'I'm done'. But if the master got up from the table, and folded his napkin, and laid it beside his plate, the servant would not dare touch the table, because........... The folded napkin meant, 'I'm coming back!'

Culled from Facebook


Part 1

If life was eternal, their won't be any corrupt soul living, they'll have been forcefully destroyed.
Let me share with you a mystery.

Lucifer started merchandising while in Heaven, he began what we know today as trade by Barter.
Because he was the Anointed Cherub, he had access to very powerful places, he was allowed freely into the Mountain of God, where the SON'S of God habited and lived as Stones of Fire.
Lucifer accessed them willingly and since the Stones of fire were custodians of the eternal mystery, by reason which the world as it is today was created/formed for their habitation, he was given knowledge of the WILL of God, the deep secrets of God were left with him.
He did not share this mystery freely, but will always want something from any Angel who came to his court to hear what he had to tell. Ezekiel 28:4-5
Lucifer was beautifully crafted, unlike the others he was adorned with precious stones. Ez. 28:13-18
He was made perfect.
Now, an Anointed Cherub and the Elect Angels are the few creations formed by word as ministering spirits that will be allowed into Eternity, the rest, because they were formed by the word of God, his words once its accomplished that which it was sent to do, must return to him who sent it. Is.55:11
Lucifer in his many interactions with the Stones of fire was able to access the Book of Life, it was quite troubling and revealing.
In one of his visit, he was allowed a glimpse into the creation of Man and what will befall the Heavens and its contents which included the Angels and every creation of God by word. 2Peter 3:10
He was in AWE of the revelation of and creation of Man, in his glory, he would have expected that should the unseen God decides to be seen, what other form could he take than that of an Angel, created with every precious Stone.
He was dumbstruck that God will also become MAN. (1Timothy 3:16).
It caused him ache, to be told that Man, mere dust, the least particle of creation was what was going to HOUSE God.
God and every Stone of Fire will inhabit eternity as Man.
This was the turning point of what happened in heaven.
Lucifer quickly assembled the Angels, he had one last opportunity to break even, there was a way out no doubt, if ETERNAL LIFE was going to be accessed as Mortals, the Angels stood a chance too.
He began his research, 1Peter 1:12.

Part 2
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being Priest for me; because you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your Children. Hosea 4:6

Lucifer had gathered the Angels, one third (1/3) of them at appeared in his court to hear him out.
His announcement had reached the ends of the Heaven, during the gathering of the Son’s of God (Angels) he had made a proclamation; he was going to reveal the REVELATIONS to the Angels. Frantically his summons were heard, even those who were elect like him, an Angelic Priest who in one time had appeared on the Earth but was the 1st recorded Fallen Angel to have been received by God back in the Heavens. (I will withhold his name here) His appearance on Earth had cause so much controversy for unlike the other Angels and Lucifer, he had not broken the everlasting covenant. Is 24:5.
Lucifer’s summons were received, his words was power, the Cherub that was upon the Holy Mountain of God, the Cherub that had an habitation on the earth, carrying messages of God and featuring in the alliance and creation of the universe, he was to be heard and all the Angels gathered.

He was going to be like God, he thundered, silence fell on the congregation of Angels, “I will sit on the seat of God he told them, I am a God, I will seat in the midst of the seas.” Ezekiel 28:2-6
No Angel could muster strength to look at him; he fanned his wings and the melody of his timbrets were clear as light, as the message he sang sank into the subconscious of them that were gathered before him.
He was wiser than Daniel they all knew, he was rebelling and they could only but see the promises in his rebellion.
The Angels were faced with two TRUTHS
If they were to see eternity, they will have to go with Lucifer, or remain in Heaven waiting for when their assignment would be complete and they return to where they came from.
Should their rebellion succeed they will also live eternally as Man and should they fail, they will perish in perdition. Jude1: 6

One third decided to go with Lucifer, they will take their chances, and eternity was worth dying for.

But how were they to co-join Lucifer in becoming like God?

Lucifer perfectly understood what was going to unfold in the dispensation of MAN. He knew creation was ready to explode, he had his fair share of knowledge, he had been opportune to have heard seen the book, Darkness and the POWERS thereof had visited him. He was aware of the mystery of LIGHT, why it came forth from Darkness and why Darkness and its powers there of (The Seven Spirits of Darkness) could never comprehend light. Is.45: 7. John1:5.
Becoming like God was a matter of time.

There was WAR in Heaven. Rev.12: 3-9

I have touched on a cord; we must look into before I delve into the WAR that left the 3rd Heaven desolate till date.
The Powers of Darkness and their role in what we as Children of Light face today. The scripture in Eph 6:12 captures the truth glaring when Paul stated that, “We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against rulers of Darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

The Seven Spirit of Darkness:
These where in existence before the foundation of the world were laid, even LIGHT existed before creation in the confines of Darkness. God spirit roved and lives within it. The Powers of Darkness enjoyed limitless interactions with God before Light was called forth, it was the doyen of God, it was as light before God but it was static, very stagnant and unproductive, had no dynamism and did not please God in as much as it was God’s creation.
Genesis 1:2 And the Earth was without form, and void, and darkness was upon the deep, and the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
Darkness by every standard is like light, possess the same creative power, contains life and its an embodied Spirit entity Seven in number and their names are contain in the scripture though they are referred to as gods, unto whom the God divided the 7 continents amongst them.

I am taking you into very deep mystery.
They enjoyed the void, the emptiness of creation, Heaven and Earth was void, empty no life form whatsoever.
In his wisdom, God said, “Let there be Light!”
There was Light, and from there onward till date, there has been a sordid and pronounce hatred, war, battle of supremacy, conspiracy and what have you between Light and Darkness.
Have you ever stoop to consider why the lesser Light, (Moon) and the greater lights (Sun) were created to separate Day from Night, Darkness from Light?
No, we have not bothered, so we constantly fight a battle with unseen forces. One Man of God describes the Power of Darkness as the ‘powers behind the power’.
They have remained invincible; they orchestrate all the battles humans contend with, struggle with and battle with, without knowing what exactly they are contending with.
Anyway Light has constantly won, but let me expose here for you a little about what could certainly be answers to some prayers.
Someone is reading this and has had over 40 years battle with the spirit of Darkness, and today as you read this, God is setting you free from their hold over you and your foundation, for whenever they are exposed, brought to light, they are defeated.
This is the singular reason, why they (The Powers of Darkness) have failed to COMPREHEND LIGHT (Jesus Christ). John1:5.

As there is Seven Spirit of Light, there are also Seven Spirits of Darkness.
Light has been allowed its revelation, Light has been revealed to us, but till date the Powers of Darkness have not had such grace to be revealed as an entity.  The only revealed entity of Darkness is DEATH. Light represents LIFE.  This is very deep and a mystery, death came into the world through the fall of MAN, it was never God’s intent that creation should be subject to any form and attributes of darkness, but because of its invasion. Romans 8:18-23 For I reckon that the suffering of this present time are not worthy to be compared to the glory which shall be revealed in us.
19. For the earnest expectations of the creature waited for the manifestation of the Sons of God (Stones of Fire).
20.  For the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who had subjected the same in hope,
21. Because the creature itself shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the Children of God….
Because of its unique nature, Darkness has constantly beguiled every creation of Light, Lucifer was its 1st casualty, then the Legion of Angels that fell with Lucifer, co-opting them into becoming demons and using them to possess souls in an effort to become eternal being. It was a fatal mistake.
I will explain that in details later.
Why is Darkness in contention with Light?

The Battle has had to do with ETERNAL LIFE (ETERNITY).
After God adopted Light, and called it forth from Darkness, God was marveled at the dynamism of Light, as it sprung forth, it unleashed creation, brought forth all things created both in Heaven and on Earth.
Genesis 1:4 And God saw that Light, that it was good and God divided the Light from Darkness.
It was this separation (dividing Light from Darkness) that has brought about the many wars Heaven and Earth has witnessed and still rages in every creation of Light, even in us who believe in the name of Jesus Christ.

In separating the two, God saw one was good and ascribed unto it WILL, which is the Power to remain infinite and eternal.
Darkness was sentenced to extinction, (Rev 22:5) a fate it was never going to accept without a fight at trying to also destroy the creations of Light, in order to erode its credibility before the one true God who created both Darkness and Light for his PLEASURE.
In the hereafter, when Eternity will begin, there shall be no DARKNESS, God alone will be Light.

Darkness invades the CREATIONS of Light.
Lucifer’s visitation was swift, he was brought to understand also that the Angels were to be extinct just like darkness and even though he as an Anointed Cherub and also Elect Angel, and was granted life eternal, but he also wanted a form more eloquent as the form God was to take in the Eternity. He also understood that the Angels were spirits and his ministers a flame of fire.  Destined to be eradicated before the beginning of eternity. Heb 1:7
Words designed for a purpose after which they were all to return to where they came from.
Heb 1:14 Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation.
Heb 2:5-7 For unto the Angels hath He not put in subjection the world to come, wherefore we speak.
Knowing that after they had been part of the machinery of creation, being used as ministers and realizing that they were not in the plan of God for eternity, they all came together to revolt, in rebelling they sought out how they too could be part of ETERNITY.
Because God was going to live eternally as Man, the Angels sought at how they could become Man, the Spirit of Darkness too thought Man was its carriage and passage into eternity so they began to conspire and it resulted in the fall of Man in Eden.
I want to continue, but what happened in Eden is best left as it is. For at anytime the truth about Eden be told, I am sure it will herald a great change in Christendom such as yet unseen since the age began.

This is in itself a book; the story of our redemption and the battle that brought about our redemption if I should narrate all will fill 1000 chapters of a book.
But let me confine these to what happened at the CROSS of Calvary in Jerusalem.
The Last battle between Light and Darkness was a beauty to behold, its records and narrative in the Holy Bible has not been fully understood by Christians, this is so because they only could have understood what happened at the cross if they had foreknowledge of the root of the matter as I have taken time to expunge here.

Jesus conquered Darkness and Hades, brought death under his authority even on the cross.
Had they defeated him on the cross our Salvation would have been lost completely.
Hanging on the cross at about the 6th hour, there was darkness all over the Earth until the 9th hour. The Sun was darkened and the veil of the Temple was rent in the midst. Luke23:44-45.
The Graves were opened many bodies of the Saints which slept arose.

What transpired between the 6th and the 9th hour between Light and Darkness has been kept away from the world, if we knew all that had transpired, we will never remain captives to the bondages that still hold us in captivity even as Christians.
Now let me capture the story as Apostle Paul explained it in Colossians2: 14-15 Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross.
15. And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it.
This scripture as captured by Paul took place at Calvary, immediately Jesus was nailed to the cross the powers of Darkness appeared on earth physically again since their separation, the Light of the Sun could not separate them again as Darkness was faced with the knowledge that should Jesus succeed on the cross, by willingly giving up his life, they had no more chance or opportunity of exhibiting their power over Mankind, neither will they be able to stop the process of eternity. They desire more than anything to elongate the second coming and ensure they still remain and are relevant with life, and be part of existence in whatever form, for should Jesus return today, now, their end is eminent. They have kept their mystery and existence so hidden in thick darkness conspicuously for the fear of their end. A very significant reason why they have beguiled Men of God, the Church and have so transformed themselves, so much that till date, very few know what is being exposed here.
This was their last battle to save face and hold on to life as it was before creation.
I really would have to describe this in words on the pulpit whilst demonstrating how he won for us our salvation; one against Seven, Light overcame darkness.
He took over authority over the Seven powers of Darkness, he disgraced them made an open shew of them, lead the Seven of them in Chains in an open procession across the streets of Judea. He publicly disgraced them.

I know some of you will be wondering if I was there on that day, I think I saw this event, it plays vividly in my minds eyes.
Jesus triumph over darkness and it was in grand style.

He commanded the graves to release the Saints long dead, they came forth from their graves, some went to see their families, spoke with those that could have known them, and this was the demonstration of his infinite POWER.
Jesus became Lord of Light and Lord of Darkness on that day.
If he hadn’t taken over their power, it would have been almost impossible for him to have rose from the grave himself on the 3rd day. What transpired between those 3 hours was like a 3000 years event.

I am worried, Christians do not fully understand nor can comprehend what Jesus did for them on the Cross, they still loiter around in fear and bondage, a people who had long been set free, are still enslaved to what has been extinct. Darkness died after the cross, what the devil and his cohort is using against us are mere illusions of what was. Their power over our lives had been broken and destroyed long before we were born.

You are free.
The gift of life is priceless.

To be continued ….

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Health Benefits of Garlic


Garlic is the most powerful antibiotic cure nature has to offer. This unsuspecting herb can be used to treat a number of heart and blood-related conditions, such as high blood pressure or high cholesterol, and is even used by some to prevent common cancers, like stomach, colon and even breast cancer. This is due to a chemical in the garlic called allicin, the same element that makes the garlic smell and probably the reason for the folk belief on vampires. 

Studies have shown that allicin can aid tremendously in weight loss and may even help cure the common cold. Yet it is important to note that the wonderful powers of garlic are optimized when the garlic is completely raw, peeled and crushed, and when it is consumed only as a medicine.The ways to use garlic to fend off real-life vampires like the flu and other diseases:

1. Cold and Fever Cure 
An effective cold and fever cure is garlic tea. To make the tea boil some water and crush 1-2 cloves of fresh garlic (peeled) into the bottom of the mug. Then add the hot water, lemon and a bit of honey (to ease the taste) and drink it all down at once. Repeat as often as possible until the fever or cold symptoms subside.
garlic chopped
Image: artur84/
2. Treat Skin and Fungal Infections 
To treat skin or fungal infections, garlic can be used topically on a daily basis. Apply a sliced of garlic to a wart spot regularly (about 2-3 times per day) and be amazed at the improvement! The wart or corn may not completely disappear, but any discomfort will subside. 

3. Garlic as an Antibiotic 
As mentioned above, in order to use garlic as an antibiotic, it is best not to consume the herb regularly. Studies have shown that eating raw garlic at the onset of food poisoning can kill off the deadly E.coli, Staph and Salmonella bacteria. Chop up garlic and drink it in a tea, this time without lemon, and a bit of honey, and the poisoning is sure to subside. 

4. For Those That Can't Stand the Taste
If you are not a big fan of garlic or its taste, there are some allicin supplements that can be store-bought and taken as needed. It is important to remember, however, that the potency of the allicin depends on its preparation, and it can change into a different chemical quickly. For this reason, it is best to buy the most natural version of an allicin vitamin where it is available, or stomach the taste of raw garlic just when you are sick. 

5. Bug Repellent 
Another way to use garlic harks back to the tell-tale vampire myth. Smearing garlic over the skin not only prevents against bacterial or fungal infections, but can also ward off mosquitos and ticks quite effectively. One village in India uses only garlic to deter the deadly Malaria mosquitos and can attest to the natural and harmless effectiveness of garlic. All that remains is to overcome the sharp smell!

Garlic in its many forms can be used to treat and prevent a variety of diseases and conditions, and, just as the folklore suggests, is nature's miracle solution for warding off the bad.


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