Sunday, January 31, 2010


I greet you all in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I am so delighted to share the word with you once again, this Joy the Lord has put in my heart, which is to me, far better than all the silver or gold I could give you.
May the Lord bless you as you read this blog in Jesus name, Amen.

Before you read this message, I like you to please get a copy of the Holy Bible, not minding wherever you may be at this moment, it is absolutely important that you read this message alongside a copy of the holy Bible, whether you are in a cafe, office or home, kindly get your Bible first.

If you do, I am certain the DAY will speak to you now.
God bless you as you OBEY.


(PLEASE, READ PS. 19:1-14, JOB.2:7-8).

Have you heard the DAY Speak or utter it speech before?
Have you ever cared to listen or wonder at what it says? (You may have noticed this scriptures in Psalm. 19.)

“DAY to DAY uttereth speech, and night to night sheweth wisdom”

Day has been speaking from the when it was announced and commanded into being, from the beginning of creation. A few of us have had the opportunity to hear its speech, some of us hear yet do not understand its utterances, all though many may hear but not believe its words, while some will hear and completely ignore it words.

"DAY", has been speaking from the inception of creation, from the very beginning.

Many of us have had the opportunity to hear the DAY, but we do not understand its sayings, in all of this, the prophesy of Prophet Isaiah is fulfilled. Mat.13:14,15. “For this people's heart is waxed gross and their ears are dull of hearing and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears and should understand with their heart and should be converted, and I should heal them” Vs 16.But Blessed are your eyes for they see and your ears for they hear.

Many of us will love to hear the day today utter its speech and speak to us, God has elected you amongst the righteous ones He preordained, predestined, to hear the words of the DAY. (Ephesians.1:10-11, 1Pet 2:9-10).
Be Blessed as you read.

I was about 9years old when I first read the scripture of Psalm 19. I had no friend as I was new in the town, my only companion, then was my Bible, there weren’t so much novels as there is today, no VCD, DVD, play stations or many Television stations like we have today.

Before my tenth (10th) birthday, I had read the scriptures back to back, Genesis to revelation three times. I never did realize then, what the Holy Spirit was like in those days as young as i was, but I knew I always felt the Peace of God’s presence around me.

When I first read PSALMS. 19, I would wonder how, where and when will the ‘DAY’ speak to me, I’ll wake up every morning go and sit outside to hear the DAY speak, it actually did not then, not until after about twenty-five years later did the DAY speak clearly to me and I understood its words clearly, 'God is wonderful'.
During this series of revelation, I have clearly heard and understood the utterances of the DAY perfectly well, and I glorify the name of the Lord.


Today I share with you the mystery and the utterance of the ‘DAY’ and I want you to invite your soul into its bodies, ‘In your patience "Possess your Souls" (Luke21:19) with it listen, and with the Ears of your Spirit, listen attentively as you hear the utterance now.

Pray this prayer;
*‘My soul, I possess you by the Power in the blood of Jesus.
*O! Lord open, the ear of my understanding in the name of Jesus.

Now, I want you to turn to the Bible you have by your side, hold it in your hands and OPEN it for "IT CONTAINS EVERY WORD THE DAY HAS SPOKEN" since creation.

DAY has spoken and uttered speeches, but we never listen nor heard its voice, it therefore had to manifest in the flesh. LIGHT which is also known as DAY, because of Man ignorance with became FLESH. (John.1:1-18)Emphasis is on verse 9. That was the true Light, that Lighted every Man that cometh into the world. 10. He was in the world and the world was made by him and the world knew him not. ‘The wisdom of God’.

Psalms 19:3. There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard, we definitely know that the Gospel (word of GOD) has been preached and interpreted into almost all the languages in the world and it is taught world over.
Vs 4. Their line is gone out through all the earth and their line to the ends of the earth.

Rom. 10:18, But I say have they not heard? Yes, verily for their sound is gone out through the ends of the earth and their words to the ends of the world.
Psalms 19:14; Their Line is gone out through all the earth and their word to the end of the World.

What Line? (Psalm 16:6)

These are the lines; The Apostle’s, Pastors, Evangelist, Teacher’s; through them the word is preached throughout the world and for this reason ‘The LINE is fallen unto me (them) in pleasant places and I (they) have a goodly/Godly heritage’ (the heritage after the order of the levitical priesthood). For the inheritance of the levites in the land was God. (Deu.10:9, Num.18:6,20, Rom.10:15)

“And their WORD unto the Ends of the word”; the Gospel is the utterances of the “DAY”, It is the word that is gone out unto the end of the world, to the meek, to bind the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound.
To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, and the DAY of vengeance of our lord to comfort all that mourn; (Is. 61:1-11) Beautiful promises the DAY utters to them that obey its commands. Where on the earth is the Gospel of Christ not preached? Now lets us listen and believe the words of the DAY.
Do you believe its report? (Rom. 10:=6, Is. 52:6-15). Please read.
I bring you this wonderful tidings, only if you will hear and believe, then shall the Lord be thy rearward in Jesus name.

Hearing the word of the DAY, is unlike hearing normal sounds of words, if we listen to the DAY as if we listen to people, we will never hear nor understand the WORD uttered by DAY. To hear the word, is to understand the Power of the passage of LIGHT into the Man's body, unlike the light of a bulb or florescent, which gives physical Light to our eyes to find its path in the dark.
The WORD of God enters into Man's body as Light through the listening ears and gives Eternal Life to our Body, Soul and Spirit. (Psalm 119:105).
As the issues of the heart can cause defilement to a Man’s body, soul and spirit (Mat.15:11-20), so also by the listening of the Ear’s, Salvation and Faith cometh to Man, and hearing by the word of God, Rom. 10:17.
The Passage of Light (Word); I call this the science of God, In Luke 11:33-36.
When the word of God passes through our ears or when we read it, it sinks into our body as light, it transforms inside you into an immense light, an unbelievable pure, undiluted light, as this light enters into your body, soul and spirit, through your ears, sanctifies and purify you, so much that your body becomes light and your eye is enlightened. The Eye is the key or where our light can easily be manifested, if it is inside you, (the light of God) and you have it, then will your eye be single.
But if your eye is evil (a different topic altogether), your body will be full of darkness. Lk11:34.

Do you have a beam in your eye? Do you Lust with your eyes? Close your eyes as you say this prayer;

*O! Lord, as I read and hear your word, engrave your LIGHT in the table of my heart in Jesus name.
*My eyes, be purified by the blood of Jesus.


1. The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul; (Ps 119:72, Prov.8: 11,12)
What is the Law of the Lord; ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord your God is One Lord:
And thou shall love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. (Deu.6:4-6)
Please Pray this Prayer Point;

*O! Lord, favor me, to love you in the name of Jesus.
*Word of God, cover me with your power in Jesus name.

I admonish you today, to love the Lord with all your heart, with all yo=r soul, for He first loved us (John3:16, Rom.5:7-8). To love God is to hear his words and make his love your motive for seeking him. Many of us Christians, search for God or go to him for one certain reasons, some for divine protection, prosperity, healing, salvation etc. What is your motive for seeking God.
We all know the way and things of love, we know how much we spend on our love ones, time, money and all.
How much time, money and energy, do we spend on God. Do we often speak with him very our daily prayers or take time to visit Him in daily meditations?
Love the Lord with all of you first. Mk.12:29-30, Deu.10:12-21 & Micah 6:8.
All things are possible to those who love God, for they shall decree a thing and it shall come to pass. (Job.22:21-30, note verses 28, 3=:14-18, 26-30. Is.28: 23-29)
2. The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple; though when we testify of the goodness of God, the devil quakes and go forth to make war with them that keep the commandment of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ (Rev. 12:17). Yet the testimony of God will make you wise and give you the strength to fight evil, and its agents to a stand still. When we testify of the goodness of God, the Power of faith is released on the weak for they become strong. And our shame is covered ‘Psalms 119:31’
3. The Statutes of the Lord of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart.
Are you stressed, depressed or frustrated? What is your state of mind? The statutes (commandment) of the Lord will bring Joy to your heart.
The utterances of the ‘DAY’ will open your heart to the Ever flowing spring of Joy, happiness and Peace.
4. The Commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes, not just the physical eyes, But your mind eye, to see and understand the things of God. (Eph.1:18, Col.1:12-1=).
5. The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring for ever;
What is the fear of the Lord? (Job 28:12,=8). To fear is not to be afraid, Is to obey God's instructions. Let us FEAR God forever.
6. The Judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether; more to be desired than gold, yea, than much fine gold: sweeter also than the honey and the honeycomb by them is thy servant warned and in keeping them is much reward.

Be blessed.


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