Sunday, August 21, 2011

God is in this place.

Dear Brethren,
He is here, lets celebrate the presence of the Lord, the Holy one who we adore, He is here, God of all creation, maker of the heavens and the earth.
Let us lift up our eye to the heavens thanking him for his wonderful grace.

He sit upon the circles of water. For He binds up the waters in his thick clouds, and the cloud is not split open under them. He covers the face of the full moon and spreads over it his cloud. He has inscribed a circle on the face of the waters at the boundary between light and darkness. The pillars of heaven tremble and astounded at his rebuke. By his power he stilled the sea; by his understanding he shattered Rahab the sea monster.

Should we fear?
For God is with us a mighty terrible one, we dare not invite his wrath even upon our enemies, for he alone created light, he created darkness, he makes peace and creates evil, the Lord God do all this things.

Fear not, even for our State, no, for with the mouth Men enter into covenants of darkness, the same tongue will devout Men enter into covenants of LIGHT even with God, our God.

Our Parent had sinned and we the children bear the iniquity, but now, even today, never will the sin of the Parent be published upon the children, for every soul that sinneth shall die.

Fear not, neither FRET when the wicked and evil doers sprout up like the green bay tress, for they shall soon be cut down and shall wither like the grass.
Commit thy way unto the Lord: trust also in him: and he shall bring it to pass.
He shall bring forth thy righteousness as the light and thy judgment as the noonday.

God bless you all.
Akwa Ibom shall know peace even within the year of the Lord.

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